A dmx driver can have up to 512 connections while in DALI max connections are 64 only. In the DMX system, automatic addressing cannot be performed while in a dali dimmable driver system automatic addressing is possible. While in both systems the cable length is 300 meters, yet in DMX the cable requirement is Cat-5.
The basic working modes of the two systems as below:
--DALI multiple control units can individually control luminaires, with star topology.
--single dali dimmable driver control unit controls up to 64 luminaires or other devices.
--easy user interface.
--two-way communication.
- centralized one-unit control system, with daisy chain topology.
- single DMX control unit controls up to 512 luminaires or other devices.
- specialized in RBG color tuning.
- Hardcoded individual DMX addresses are also available as a modification