RGB LEDs refer to Red, Green and Blue leds, they are the three primary colors of the additive colour system. Combining these three colors with DMX512 decoder to create over 16 million colors of LED light.
Blue + Green = Cyan
Red + Green = Yellow
Red + Blue = Magenta
RGB led can form all colors work with DMX led driver , ranging from warm orange to cool blue. We distinguish three types in RGB led strip lights, Classic RGB, RGB+W, RGBW
Smarts Electronics provided DMX512 dimmable led drivers which are available with 30W 60W 96W 100W 120W 150W 200W 300W in 12VDC, 24VDC, 48VDC, cell-phone APP & hand-held device setting NFC address & output voltage adjustable. supporting RDM control & setting.