When the voltage changes, the power supply will also change, and the output current will also change accordingly., When the current reaches zero, the power supply will be cut off, and the light-emitting device will not light up. This device is very necessary to protect the circuit and prevent the voltage from being too high.
When the voltage reaches the maximum, it is 10, the current is the maximum, the light is the brightest, and the output voltage is constant. When the resistance reaches 1, the current change is 10%, and the light can be adjusted directly , but there is no flicker.
The power of the light source changes with the change of resistance, and the application range of the light will become wider and wider, and it will not only be limited to flashing lights or sound-controlled lights. Because there is a constant voltage led driver, so that the lights will not flicker and dim. This is very necessary in modern production and life.