

Non-dimmable LED Driver
How to choose the right LED and the right drive power supply? Sep 06, 2021

Leds are rapidly replacing incandescent and fluorescent bulbs in indoor and outdoor lighting because of their energy efficiency, long life, durability and flexible design. But choosing the right LED is only part of the design equation. In order for your solid-state lighting design to achieve overall efficiency, durability, and service life, you need to choose the right power supply to match the requirements of your application with the LEDS used.

The type of led lamp power supply chosen for lighting applications will be based on several factors. First, consider the environment in which your application is running. Is the application indoor or outdoor? Does the power supply need to be waterproof or special IP rating? Can the power supply be cooled using conduction or convection only?


Next, define the overall power requirements. A single light fixture may require only a small power source, but a complex system may need to provide hundreds of watts of power. Also, what other features do you need? For example, does the led module power supply need to operate in simple constant-voltage mode or constant-current mode, and does the application require dimming?

Now, then, is the time to think about regulation. Does it need to meet lighting safety standards? How effectively do led panel power supply meet local or regional standards in this energy-sensitive era? Do government agencies offer discounts or other subsidies to products that meet certain efficiency and power factor correction levels? It is also important to know if your design standards meet safety standards and national certification requirements.

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