

Non-dimmable LED Driver
How does triac dimming solve the stroboscopic problem? Jan. 11,2022

Phase cut dimming is also known as triac dimming. In fact, phase-cut dimming is divided into leading-edge and trailing-edge phase-cut dimming. Leading-edge phase-cut dimming usually uses thyristor as a switching device, also known as thyristor dimmer, and leading-edge phase-cut dimmer has low dimming cost. The trailing edge phase-cut dimming generally uses MOSFET as the switching device, which has better matching in theory.


SMARTS triac dimming led driver

The above dimming method belongs to analog dimming, and analog dimming has the following pain points: the dimming range is generally limited to 10%/20%~100%, and only linear dimming can be performed. The matching difference is large, the power output adjustment range is small, and the ripple current is as high as about 30%.


The dimming range of SMARTS LED power supply products is 1%~100%; it can realize linear dimming and logarithmic dimming; it can perfectly match various triac dimmers; the output power can be adjusted in the range of 10%~100%; Architecture, the light output has no stroboscopic; safe isolation, providing higher security; no flicker. For more details about SMARTS triac dimming led driver, please send your inquiry to steven@smartselectronic.com.cn.

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