With lighting in the real world, it isn’t economical or convenient to build everything by hand from a single diode, LEDs are usually used together in parallel or series circuits to create the desired outcome. Fortunately for lighting designers, manufacturers have introduced many LED products to the market that have multiple LEDs already assembled together like LED rope light, LED strips, LED bars, etc. Smarts Electronics has issued different output power led drivers which have got ETL FCC CE Rohs listed.
The most common LED strips are designed with a group of LEDs in series with a current-limiting resistor in line with them. The manufacturers make sure the resistors are of the right value and in the right position so that the LEDs on the strips will be less prone to the variation of the voltage source as we talked of with the XP-G2. Since their current is already being regulated, all they need is a constant voltage to power the LED(s).
When LEDs or an array of LEDs are constructed like this they will typically state a voltage to be run at. So if you see that your strip takes 12VDC, don’t worry about a constant current driver, all you will need is a 12VDC constant voltage source as the current is already being regulated by on board circuitry that the manufacturer has built in.
More details about Smarts Electronics’ Constant Voltage Led Driver Power Supply, you can login http://www.smarts-electronics.com/ Or contact with Mr. Steven(skype: steven821228 mail:steven@smartselectronic.com.cn).